Helpful setup help

Everyone knows the old saying about first impressions, but it's rarely applied to software. The first time your customer opens your application they'll form an instant opinion about your product. It's responsiveness, user interface, and friendliness are exposed, and judged, in the first few minutes of use.

Two leading third-party developers for the Mac have recently written about the design of the setup assistants for their applications, and there is much to learn from their discussion. You'll find how they address different audiences, how wording is critical to success, and the decisions they made in favor of simplicity and ease of use. Begin with On the Design of the First-Run Assistant from Brent Simmons, then read Daniel Jarkut's Designing for the First Launch.

See also: Tips about Tips, Context-sensitive Help Primer, and Context Adds Life.

Posted: February 4, 2008 link to this item, Tweet this item, respond to this item