Snapguide puts user-contributed Help in your pocket.

Snapguide is getting a lot press this week as a new, and darling, iOS app. In a nutshell, it takes user-created content to a new height and already features hundreds of "how-tos" on a myriad of topics. For example, see the tutorial about how to make Easter egg pops.

Matthew Ingram, writing for Gigaom observes:

"Like most people, I hardly ever turn to how-to guides unless I am completely stuck — and then I usually just Google the term I am looking for (faucet dripping, etc.) and then click through whatever looks good and try to memorize the key steps. The nice thing about Snapguide isn’t just that the guides have photos and videos included, so that you can see exactly how to do something (the guide on catching Dungeness crabs is quite good) but it is really well designed for the phone and tablet. I could see myself holding the app on my iPhone or iPad — or having someone else hold it — while I try to execute whatever maneuver I am working on, or prepare a recipe for something complicated."

Is your product documented on Snapguide? The answers might be "it will be."

See also: A New Tool for User-Created Documentation

Posted: April 5, 2012 link to this item, Tweet this item, respond to this item