Bringing Extreme (XP) practices to writing

Ron Jeffries offers suggestions about how technical writers can better integrate with Extreme Programming (XP) teams and methodology. There are several concrete suggestions, but the notion is best summed up in this paragraph:

"XP programmers do Continuous Integration and release all the time. Small releases, remember? So have XP writers cut their documents every day, week, iteration, release. They'll get really good at it, just like the programmers."

Unfortunately, few writing shops (or writers) are prepared for such rapid iterations and release cycles. Technical writing tends to move slowly, with long cycles for review, editing, and production. Adapting to a daily cycle means seriously rethinking tools and process, as well as reevaluating the value of each laborious practice.

Thanks to Jenny Berger for the link.

Posted: January 24, 2004 link to this item, Tweet this item, respond to this item